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7 Answers

4 like 0 dislike
Well, of course it's a scam. buy here and you lose all your money
by Upcomer (869 points)
3 like 0 dislike
I did not expect to find an Egyptian end here, hello, my friend, I am also an Egyptian.
by Potential scam or spam (69 points)
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couple of sources (from this forum and other links) say it is a scam.
by Guest (144 points)
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I dealt with such a site. It looked exactly the same and had the same name, but I'm not sure that's the exact link. That site turned out to be a scam and I lost a lot of money. Then I found out that he also has many clones. I think this is one of them, one of the clones of the scammers.
by Newbie (196 points)
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This site has all the signs of a scam
by Newbie (388 points)
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thanks for the warning guys
by Upcomer (932 points)
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I've seen this site before... it's on some scam lists.
by Upcomer (640 points)