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There was a leak of information that I saw in the documents. The source is not official, but very reliable.
In the near future, a nuclear explosion will be carried out in Ukraine, this will be done by a British sabotage group.
Then everyone will blame Russia for what happened and strike back at the Rostov region.
Is there a safe place on earth?
How to escape from a nuclear apocalypse?
in Politics, wars, problems by Newbie (246 points)

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10 Answers

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It would be necessary to go to a country far away from the nuclear conflict as an escape measure, such a country could be Argentina, Chile and others.
by Newbie (216 points)
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if there is a nuclear war, it is unlikely that it will be possible to escape. but I think your information is not accurate
by Upcomer (642 points)
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I am very afraid of this, the world is on the verge of a great catastrophe. I'm scared because I think what you're talking about is a very real scenario.
by Newbie (336 points)
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Ukrainians can do this themselves.
by Newbie (427 points)
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What would be the point of starting a nuclear war? The whole world would be destroyed, and who would want that?
by Guest (111 points)
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by Master (33.3k points)
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Argentina is a relatively safe place.
by Upcomer (558 points)
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I heard about this too. I am sure that Russia will respond and destroy any European country if this happens. I am worried about the irresponsible attitude of European politicians to what is happening they are playing with fire.
by Newbie (390 points)
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the world has descended into madness
by Newbie (270 points)
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IDK if we can escape a nuclear war but I think everyone should always at least have Potassium Iodide which is a medication that blocks your thyroid from radiation. It won't make you immune but will at least protect your thyroid which is a big factor in radiation sickness, but it only works on your thyroid.
by Guest (134 points)