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Does anyone know how gift cards work?
How to buy them?
Why are they sold cheaper?
How should I use it? Is it possible to make money from this?
Do you know where you can buy a gift card without risk?
in Markets & commercial by Newbie (431 points)

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12 Answers

6 like 0 dislike
I don't use gift cards, but I can think of ways to use them. There are only two options, you buy what you need and is useful for yourself, much cheaper than the cost on the market, or you buy popular products and sell them at a premium.
by Newbie (391 points)
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Purchasing a gift card is 100% safe. This is a real card and you will not have any problems after purchasing it. this is not a violation of the law at all
by Experienced (6.1k points)
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Everything is very simple. Many companies receive a significant portion of their income illegally. There are also completely illegal businesses. Gift cards are one of the ways to launder money. Someone buys a gift card using dirty money, then sells those cards for less and gets completely clean money.
by Experienced (8.0k points)
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Hello friends. I didn't think about gift cards. After all, this turns out to be a way of earning money that does not harm anyone, this is exactly what I was looking for. My conscience still gnaws at me for the fact that I’m not doing a good deed and ordering someone’s stolen account for the second time.
But tell me, a gift card is not money, and in order to get money you have to buy something and sell it later, right?
by Upcomer (754 points)
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Laundering of money. Buying a gift card is safe, very, very safe, but if you need cash, you have to do some work. But if you want to buy yourself different things cheaper, this is the best way.
by Active (2.3k points)
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Thank you all very much for your answers.
Tell me, is anyone familiar with this site? Has anyone purchased here? I ordered cards and codes here yesterday, but for some reason there is no response yet. This is fine? How long to wait for an answer?
The service is called Gift Hub.
by Newbie (431 points)
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It seems to me that this is a pointless activity, there is more fuss and action than the possible benefits.
by Upcomer (649 points)
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I don't see much point in buying a gift card and then buying a product on Amazon. I would rather get more money than a cheap product.
by Newbie (329 points)
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it give you a sale
by Newbie (165 points)
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Gift cards are a common money launderer. They are bought by large corporations and medium-sized enterprises that have gray income. In the end, they get clean money and we get cheap gift cards. Gift card sellers are just a middleman in this matter, that's all.

Everyone here says that you can’t earn much from gift cards, it’s difficult and not profitable. I don't agree with this.

You don't have to buy a product and then sell it... I make everything simpler. I am looking for buyers on social networks, Facebook and Instagram. It's very easy when the price is 20-30% less than in any store; I have a queue of buyers for almost all of my products. And only then do I order goods for them, paying with a gift card.
At least it's much safer than buying stolen accounts or credit cards.
This is a great income... I can earn about $10,000 a month.
by Newbie (184 points)
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can u please tell me how can i contact you ?
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Hello, please tell me where you buy a gift card?
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Great plan, my friend. This could actually be a workable option.