I was deceived by a scammer. I tried to buy cloned cards, after payment the seller said that there was not enough delivery, since delivery to my city is very problematic. Then I paid another 100 dollars. He said that now the cloned cards will not appear on sale soon, since they were sold in a very large batch. After that, I was offered to buy a PayPal account with a very large balance. To get it, you had to pay an extra $200. I did it.
After some time, the seller began to say that an additional payment was needed again. I was confused and very angry and began to demand my purchase. After that, the seller simply stopped responding to my emails.
I understand that I am a complete idiot and acted very stupidly. I want to help other people. Be careful! Fraudsters are very talkative and intrusive. I lost a lot of money. I don't know what to do now.
This is a store. THIS IS A SCAM! BEWARE!
DarkBay -