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What do you think about it?
Most modern countries position themselves as democracies. But in our country it is more like a performance. In slave-owning Rome, it seems there was more democracy.
Do you think that you live in a democratic country? Is democracy even possible?
in Politics, wars, problems by Active (2.1k points)

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4 Answers

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Fake to laugh at the poor
by Upcomer (632 points)
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We all need Anarchy!!! Anarchy is the mother of order!
by Active (1.6k points)
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its whole system we cant talk on it without any prove if have any question lets dissicus
by Expert (23.7k points)
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Countries can't be 100% democratic, but these countries normally have like 80-90% democracy.

Generally democracy exists (unfortunately as it is a really shitty system), but like a percentage
by Upcomer (626 points)