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Many journalistic or other news are censored, especially in some countries, which is why I offer to look for them for you in a totally anonymous way. The news will be searched through paid sites that search for information among newspapers, posts, hidden conversations and a series of information available on the CIA. You can ask me for a name, news or information and I will look for it for you. The information has a cost, in my case from 5 to 20 dollars in cryptocurrencies, depending on the information or quantity requested. Payment will be paid once the search has been carried out, IF I CAN'T FIND USEFUL INFORMATION YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO PAY ANYTHING.   

No matter who you are, where you are writing from or what you are looking for, I will try to fulfill your request to the best of my ability. Contact me if you are interested, I will reply as soon as possible.

in Politics, wars, problems by Guest (124 points)

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1 Answer

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bro ur talking about media are u lets dissucs
by Expert (24.5k points)