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in General information by Official (102k points)

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7 Answers

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This is interesting to me. I can write on any topic. What does data on the darknet mean, could you clarify?
by Upcomer (642 points)
0 0
This means that you are well versed on darknet sites and know where to look for things.
2 like 0 dislike

hey admin hope ur donig well , i do love to join this , i have expertise in following topics :

  1. Cryptocurrency
  2. Information Security
  3. Protection from fraudsters
  4. Data on the darknet
by Expert (23.8k points)
0 0
Okay, I'll just remind you that the answers should be interesting, useful and meaningful.
0 0
i am trying my best
2 like 0 dislike
I want to try, I’m interested in topics: cryptocurrency, fraud, data on the darknet.
by Upcomer (642 points)
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I'm interested in this . Categories that i have expertise in -                                                                                                            Protection from fraudsters                                                                                                                               Data on the darknet;                                                                                                                                       Cryptocurrency   

by (86 points)
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I can try too :



by Guest (101 points)
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Hey it seems I came late for the party... I want to give it a try with the following. I can try make questions/comments on the following categories:

- Cryptocurrency;
- Information Security;
- Data on the darknet;
by Master (33.3k points)
0 0
@admin sent an email...
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Hello, I am a little late, however I have some experience with Python and C (js doesnt count obviosly) . I have made ransomware and botnets from scratch in these langauges, and I am willing to provide source code as proof (Feel free to compile and use).
I have also created phishing sites.
I have been on the darknet for quite a while and could possibly point people in the correct directions and would try my best to help all users and provide detailed and informative help to all.
I have some knowledge about how the blockchain works, and most experience with Monero and Bitcoin. I am moderately experienced in BTC futures trading. Regarding protection from fraudsters/scammers, I am able to detect and leave these characters as soon as they appear on the radar (eg, I once determined that someone was a scammer, proceded to phish him, got his IP and google data, and made him ***** off after reporting him (I hate scammers as much as I do feds). I would be interested in positions involving Infosec and, programming/hacking, protection from fraudsters. I am also bilingual (Russian) Thanks!
ago by Newbie (241 points)