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I have a bottle of benadryl (syrup form) and I am wondering how many milligrams I should take to have a good trip. Some people say you can't get high off of it but others say they have had mad hallucinations so I am just wondering how much I need to get high off of it
in Other by Newbie (225 points)

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2 Answers

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If you've never tripped on benadryl, take one or two tabs to make sure you're not allergic. Once you're safe, try 250-300mg to trip. If you've *****d sleep aids in the past then try 350-400mg. Don't try this if you have any heart conditions. Also 99% of this information can be found on google so just try that next time lol
by Guest (149 points)
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just drink the whole in one thats it no worrys
by Expert (23.7k points)