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Hi. I would like to try a few things. I'm searching for a plug in Miglianico (CH), italy. I'd ask for these: Weed and LSD (to do very rarely with my friend), heroin and cocaine and ketamine and amphetamine (to do once and only once, never again and in a small dosage). I do have snapchat but if there's some dark web instant messaging service we could use it would be wayyy better. I'd also like to mention it's my first time doing any of these, so i'd also need some advice and proper dosages (like, a gram of weed and like two or three tabs of LSD, and a dosage of heroin, ketamine, amphetamine and cocaine to be used only once and by one person). Thank you!

To be clear, when i say "amphetamine" i'm referring to speed, i just like this name more ig lol
in Other by Newbie (364 points)

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1 Answer

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i am also trying to start drugs but i dont know where to buy so i start search in my local area , but i am really confuse which drug i should take for first time
by Expert (23.7k points)
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Well, i suggest Weed or LSD. They don't cause addiction and they're light. LSD is awesome because it's cheap, lasts long and can't cause addiction or overdose.
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okay okay i will do research where to buy them
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Dude, you are either very ***** and inexperienced, or very stupid. All drugs are addictive. If you think that this is not so, you simply do not understand the mechanism of how addiction arises. The main role is played by the reward and motivation system in the brain; in other words, the brain always becomes dependent on pleasure.
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Depends on the drug. There's a difference between psychological addiction and physical one. Physical addiction is a strong addiction that targets anyone, and makes you feel like shit and give you strong physical withdrawal symptoms. Psychological addiction only targets weak minded people and doesn't give any physical symptoms, but does give mental symptoms.

About how addictive drugs are, you certainly can't compare LSD to heroin. Unless you take 1mg per day or something, LSD cannot be really addictive and even if it is it's only psychological. Heroin, if taken even 3 times or something, gives a strong physical addiction, you should be fine if you take it only once tho.