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Ok, so. I know i'm making a lot of posts, but i need answers and ideas just come one by one lmao XD

Ok so, if you read my first post on HA, i was asking for a plug for certain drugs. I need dosages for a complete beginner.

For weed, since 1/3 of a gram is an average joint, i can start with that.

For LSD, it's pretty obvious. One tab.

For heroin, cocaine, ketamine and amphetamine (speed) i need dosages for each of them for a one-time use for a single person. (lmao i just realized i spammed "for" like a million times)

Thank you!
in Other by Newbie (364 points)

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1 Answer

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bro i dont have too knowledge about drugs but i think the drugs dosages also depend on person like how much quantity he or she can have at once
by Expert (23.7k points)
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Well, i weight around 55kg. I'm also a beginner so i need small dosages.