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any experience in buying a visa or a residence card from the dark net ? does anyone traveled with this fake documents ?
in Markets & commercial by Guest (121 points)

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4 Answers

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yes, damn it, there are a lot of people like that
by Experienced (8.1k points)
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dont bro its just a myth and completely stupid think , just think for one time there is whole security system on airport how can u break this whole system its not even possible so dont waste ur money on these thinks and if some one gives u a real fake passport and visa there are 100% chances that u will get caught at airport and get jail for like 10 years
by Expert (24.5k points)
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i have bought visas from the streets not from the darknet. but i paid 11k but it was a proccess. registering my finger prints photo etc. ive used it for the past 5 years but have never tried to travel with it. i went to jail and the identity was never flagged. i dont know how to explain it but i still use it and i dont think its possible from what i had to do to get mine. i could be wrong
by Guest (136 points)
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seems to be very unsafe
by (99 points)