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The dark web is full of scam sites, while there are few that actually do what they say. Why waste time creating lists of scam sites? Why don't we create a list of sites here that we know are legit? Obviously, to be valid, each of them must have a considerable number of people who confirm that they have used it without being scammed.
in Lists, forums and other by Newbie (156 points)

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4 Answers

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i know many scam sites by checking scam site list but i have not really tried any thing for real so i dont know which one is 100% legit but i heard some legit site
by Expert (23.7k points)
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i really want to know if onoin multishop is legit. someone please help me.
by Guest (123 points)
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It's a good idea, im down, if you really want to do it pm me.
by Guest (119 points)
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pm me on my session man
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many have already tried. The problem is that those who find a legitimate site are not very active. As a rule, knowing one legitimate seller is enough, so there is no point in looking for something else... there is also no point in advertising your source
by Newbie (343 points)