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So i have never bought any crypto but i am now thinking to buy btc anonymously without entering my personal details . does anyone know how can i do it with ease ?can u recommend me a good website ? (btc atms doesnt exist in my country )
in Technology & Crypto by (86 points)

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4 Answers

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leave scammers just do ur own research about btc or buy btc from a local person in ur area or do btc mixer or do btc mixer by ur self and there are lot of other ways and remember btc is not fully traceable and u will not get in trouble buz u pay btc to site which is already doing a illegal business
by Expert (23.7k points)
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use p2p service, u dont need to provide id so it is easier to stay anonymous
by Newbie (153 points)
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do they accept bank transfers ?
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use a service like paxful and buy gift cards to be extra safe , u dont need to show id or anything. it is a bit more expensive because converting from gift card to btc loses some value but in the end it is the most safe option
by Guest (110 points)
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if u know a good vendor who accepts bank transfers without any bullshit verification ,then hit me up on my session
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What you would want to do is first.. take some security measures and have a pretty good opsec from the very start..
If you are still on windows you should move to linux.. and learn how to use it! If you want the best security you should check out some privacy operating systems.. Qubes.. Tails are good, maybe WhonixVM.
Next of course would be some good exchanges without kyc. KYC in itself is a scam.. so you could check out kycnot (dot) me and on there you will find some pretty awesome services and exchanges. Learn the pros and cons of each one.
For a newbie the easiest way to have crypto without kyc will be monero! GUI is pretty straightforward and you don't have to worry to much about where you messed up with bitcoin or lightening network.. here are two pretty cool links.. These people have pretty good security, most of the times... there's great info on there, just don't open the obvious links and check out their "stuff"..
If you would want passive income with monero...
by Guest (133 points)
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I am not opening the link , it seems pretty sus link with it's name