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Wanted to ask you guys how can i get even deeper on dark net by this sentence i mean i want to learn new thing about illegal side of dark net and meet some interesting people but every time i want to get deeper i end in the same spot .
Thanks for help btw :)
in Other by Guest (128 points)

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3 Answers

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There is nothing in the depths, it's a myth
by Newbie (415 points)
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u need to specify in what things u want to go deeper like u want to connect with hackers or what but also there is not to much deeper side of dw
by Expert (24.0k points)
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I mean like hacking stuff and maybe some carding cuz every time im trying to learn something new it feels like im in corner :P
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there no one will teach u these things for free its bitter truth
1 0
if you want to learn about hacking, might look on onniforums:

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mmm.. well that's really interesting, how can I contact you in private.
by Newbie (379 points)