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if it's a site can u link me or can u explain me what is or how can i have access to it tanks
in Markets & commercial by Upcomer (527 points)

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5 Answers

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do u want to know what is escrow ?

An Escrow is an arrangement for a third party to hold the assets of a transaction temporarily. The assets are kept in a third-party account and are only released when all terms of the agreement have been met. The use of an escrow account in a transaction adds a degree of safety for both parties.
by Expert (23.0k points)
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it's just a protection of ur btc funds from getting u scammed by any vendor until they actually delievers things
by (43 points)
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In most cases, Escrow can protect you from fraud. But sometimes Escrow itself is a scammer.
by Newbie (386 points)
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That's for sure. It is better to generally use the Escrow service not in the dark.
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If anyone is looking, I will share the information. Reliable escrow service, it works very clearly and without unnecessary questions. I've been using it for a long time. All purchases on the darknet are made only through escrow. There have been many cases where the seller refused to complete the transaction using escrow and tried to persuade me to use another escrow, then everything becomes clear to me. With a real escrow, the scammer will never be able to get his money. https://multicoinescrow.com/
by Newbie (184 points)
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useful thing
by Newbie (461 points)