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6 Answers

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I have never tried to buy on telegram. as far as I know there are even more scammers out there
by Newbie (343 points)
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there are many doubts as to whether it should be trusted. But I won't say anything, I don't know. Try it and tell me, it's interesting.
I buy here:
Reliable seller, if you want a guarantee, order here.
by Active (1.7k points)
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if u really meant it ,at least upload a proof like conversation between the vendor and u and that u actually have recived the order
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bro almost ever one who sells on telegram is a 80% scam
by Expert (24.2k points)
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If not on Telegram, then where? everyone writes that "90% of gun stores on the dark web are scams" so where can you buy firearms, I haven't seen anyone on this forum link to a legit site yet
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***** those niggas, they never tell who is legit so you gotta do your resarch and prob lose some money cuz of scammers until find some legit one
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Understand the best practices first, TG is hoaxer's heaven when you buy something you are meant to pay first then what you bought is legit or not is not a first question the first is how do yo ensure that you receive it after payment, there is no check, however if you know crypto escrow and how to use it will resolve your problem and the seller if he is a usual scammer will shoot like a rocket after listening that, try it.
by Guest (145 points)
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99% that you will be deceived in telegram
by Experienced (7.8k points)
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I don't trust Telegram sellers. It's too easy to create an account and pretend to be a seller. Once you have been remembered and exposed, you can simply change your account name and link and pretend to be an honest seller again.
by Newbie (314 points)