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how can i stole car old ones and little newer, im just cruious becaus i love cars
in Other by Guest (123 points)

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3 Answers

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thats seems to be a common and easy thing but u need to be intelligent and alert , additionally u should have knowledge of car mechanics  like how to start car without key etc and u also know how to unlock any door with masterkey
by Expert (23.9k points)
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First of all decide, what car you want to steal, then inform yourself about security mechanisms, especially important to know, is: 1. Does it have a GPS tracker implemented (where and how to remove it if yes) and 2. Can the police hack the car and make it stop like this (some cars can be stopped like this) (The newer the higher the risk of those two things)

I think easiest way from here is using a keyles-repeater device.

Important is that you know where to drive and then to hide the car, remember, you need to act fast after your inside.

Consider painting the car in another color after stealing it and maybe add some scratches to the new paint to make it look like it was painted like this for long
by Upcomer (682 points)
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Stealing property will land you a long prison sentence.
by Master (33.3k points)