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who know where i can find bot trading for free im poor girl trying be rich
in Technology & Crypto by Guest (129 points)

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4 Answers

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@ linarosa

There is no such bot or quick fix for you to get rich the least you will get is your small investment loss if you do search for such a bots in fear & greed, there are heartless zombie scammer out there they will just squeeze the last drop out of your hard earned money, better use "Binance or "any other legit kyc exchange" Auto-invest feature in possibly BNB as it is there own coin and they do better DCA to keep it stable, chances are you will earn a good percent over your investment in a month or so, remember Patience is key in this game.
second suggested way is that you get a membership of legit paid signals and start following them as per there specifications and by following strict money management, stop loss rules you will earn good sum of money weekly.
besides it there are many bots most of them hacked with wallet drainer scripts will get any amount you have and leave you clueless, take it as expert humble advise.
by Guest (144 points)
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u seem like a youtube bot account promoting someone in comments
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tbh dont waste ur time and money on these things 100% u will lose ur money and u will lost all of ur money,
by Expert (24.0k points)
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You are chasing a pipe dream
by Master (33.3k points)
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Bots will never make you rich

Knowledge will

by Newbie (166 points)