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What do you think is the best cryptocurrency wallet, one that does not require entering a lot of personal data? One that allows you to pay for goods and services on the deep web and also ensures that even if the wallet is hacked, the hacker does not know any information about you?

Personally I think the best is having a cold wallet, i.e. a wallet saved on an external device, to avoid most risks.

Monero still is probably the best currency to use even though it's not as "strong" as others like Bitcoin or Etherium.

Definitely a wallet platfom must be decentralised which means it should only ask you for an existing mail and password. Some ask to link them with G authentication app or some of them may even ask for IDs. The latter are definitely to be avoided.

Metamask and Electrum both are good but they are only for ETH and BTC respectively.
I still hold that Monero is the best but I don`t know any other wallet for it right now. One can find its own wallet on Monero`s official website. Using Monero being the most anonymous and almost untraceable of all (as far as I know), one can "clean" tractability of other crypto with it. Look for an exchange and convert BTC (for example) to Monero and then change back at a favrouble rate and send it to another wallet and change it again, as many times you want.

In any case remember, before you purchase anything from the dark web,  that most services are scams.

If you have better insights share.
in Technology & Crypto by Master (33.3k points)

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