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I also wanna find someone to who i can pay so they can develop me a site.
in Markets & commercial by Guest (126 points)

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2 Answers

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tbh i dont prefer u to start a drug selling business if ur a beginner in this world but if u have a good exp than u can go for it
by Expert (23.7k points)
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First look into opsec, main thing is learning how big federal agencies crackdown/target/bag vendors. Next create a plan to use your opsec in the best way possible so you dont end up in prison for the rest of your life. Next find a supplier with good product that is TRUSTWORTHY!!! Get test kits to make sure you get what you were paying for and lastly find clients and start networking! You will also need to learn how to ship and prepare packs for shipping as well unless youre taking the dropship route. Trust your gut and instincts, GOOD LUCK!! :D
ago by Guest (129 points)