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Just that.

I see that a lot of people here and in the other Hidden Answeres "clones" always ask if there's a "real" Hidden Answers.

I say this as an old moderator from the spanish section of the original "Hidden Answers" site. As far as I know, no one from the moderation/administration from the original site (spanish, portuguese, english or russian) was interested in resurrecting the site once it was shutdown, we all just continued with our lives, even me just come to look at the clones one time per year at maximum, so...

Yeah, there's no "real" "Hidden Answers" forum, just use the one that you prefer. No one from the original administration is any of the cloned sites.

Goodbye. - TheDolphin

in General information by Guest (139 points)

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4 Answers

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thanks for this information
by Expert (23.9k points)
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by Newbie (176 points)
1 like 0 dislike
But what do original site and clone even mean in such contexts?
A clone is a complete copy, a double. Can we talk about the forum doppelgänger? What's cloned there? Name, design? So what? The main thing on the forum is people, questions and answers. But no one copies it... It seems strange to me to look for the original and clones among the forums, sometimes a copy can be better than the original, am I wrong?
by Upcomer (668 points)
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Well that was useless information.
by Master (33.3k points)