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I want to know how to make myself more secure and my anonymity more ironclad.  I currently use tails os from a usb and use Tor with a bridge on the 'safest' security setting and only going to 'safer' if necessary.  Should I use a vpn in conjunction?  Should I use a different OS etc?  Any help is appreciated, just looking for some advice to head me in the write direction.  Whether it be software to download, OS' to use instead or methods/rules to follow etc.
in Other by Newbie (156 points)

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4 Answers

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ur safe , ur just using dw or doing something illegal ? if ur just using dw ur safe but remember no one is 100% safe on internet even using worlds safest system
by Expert (24.5k points)
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Best way to stay safe on any level of the internet.
         Never log in.
Just walk away, its the only guaranteed way to stay safe from internet related problems.
by Guest (147 points)
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hey bro i have the same setup as you and i have not  had any problems ever. there is no need for a vpn if you are already using tor with bridges. it will oonly slow your internet speed down.
by Guest (112 points)
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there is no point in using a vpn with tails. the bridge will alreadyhide u from ur isp so if that what youre worried about then dont get a vpn. it even says in the documentation not to usee a vpn w tials os
by (73 points)