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Hello, seekers

We are building a private community, where people will be able to learn and multiply their money using our information and educational materials.

Knowledge is power


in Technology & Crypto by Newbie (165 points)

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3 Answers

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what is ur community basic plan? like what methods of making money u teach ?
by Expert (23.8k points)
1 0
Crypto trading. Educational material will show how to find good projects and analyze them. Simply put: technical analysis, the psychology of retail and large market participants, tracking wallets, understanding where a large flow of money will go. Also, community members will receive signals and our market analysis on a daily basis and thus will still learn over time.

We also have a person in our group who can give inside info on certain tokens, it's doesn't happen every day, but still can be really helpful.

At this moment we are starting it as a paid community, but we are interested in collecting opinions and feedback from people. Would you be interested in joining such community if it was free?
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can just anyone join? or do members need to pay?
by Active (1.2k points)
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More details please
by Master (33.3k points)