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Hey i am planning on starting human trafficking business, as i believe it happens most in countries like malaysia and thailand, what my plan is to give people from our country to get body parts or whatever, how can i get into this business? anyone here that does that or got connections?
in Markets & commercial by Newbie (203 points)

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8 Answers

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sorry but i have no knowledge and connections in this field , but from this u need to contact a person or group who do this business they will work with u
by Expert (24.5k points)
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Look for any other way to get even a first contact with any people doing illegal stuff in the target countries, some of them might now people who do human trafficking. FOr example look for people of other fields and then ask them.
by Upcomer (696 points)
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wtf is wrong with you? there are so many other (and better) ways to make money. psychopath
by (78 points)
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I'm a 25 sissy and i'm willing to be sold into prostitution
by Newbie (260 points)
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No males
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hi im f15 and interested in knowing more!
by Newbie (243 points)
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What i can tell you if you start it by urself without any connections you will in best case get killed by ur local gangs/mafia
by Newbie (151 points)
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Potentially interested when you  have attractive products
by Guest (122 points)
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What about women for prostitution? Organ trafficking is dirty business.

Let me know
by Master (35.2k points)