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Fallon giving coded message? Google Trump dance and Lee Hazelwood together?

"The Fool" Hazelwood's early hit (as a songwriter).

Tarot Card THE FOOL

Something planned for August?

Jimmy Gilmer and The FIREBALLS recorded the song in Aug 1965

on the album, Lucky 'Leven (11)

August 9? 11 days later....LEO period   (Obama's birthday is in this period)

What happened in history? Julius Ceasar won an important battle.

Script: Trump = Ceasar?

-Coffee Talk
in Politics, wars, problems by Guest (132 points)

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4 Answers

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NAH i can't believe it you spend your free time figuring out something that don't make any sense xDD
by Guest (101 points)
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So that's a No?  WHO wasted their time? You responding with your ignorant babble. You got me! It's all a game. CHECK OUT JIMMY TOMORROW NIGHT when his guests will be

Rob Lowe; Sutton Foster; Christian Pulisic; Reggie Conquest.
"Don't rub too hard, pal."

by Guest (132 points)
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so its all scripted ?
by Expert (23.8k points)
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All scripted
by Master (33.3k points)