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I see people grow their social media and it appears that buying likes and follows actually works for the buyers to some extent.

Im curious what the sellers actually do to generate the follows and likes they are selling? Are they using botnets? Are they selling farms of cell phones with actual accounts that a person has made and they physically go through and follow and like someones content for the fee collected?

How do the social media companies deal with this?

This seems to be an ongoing battle to force the algorithms of the various companies to "ungate" access to all features they provide and I was hoping to understand the engineering and mechanics behind this phenomenon and how its currently playing out.
in General information by Guest (120 points)

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2 Answers

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if we need to understand this whole process we need to contact that person who works in this field

as my knowledge their are lot of sellers of likes etc are from china
by Expert (23.7k points)
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The sellers of social media likes and follows often utilize botnets or click farms, where either automated bots or actual people using numerous devices and accounts generate the interactions, and social media companies combat this practice by employing algorithms and machine learning techniques to detect and remove fake accounts and engagements, continuously adapting their methods to counter the evolving tactics of these sellers in an ongoing battle to maintain the integrity of their platforms.

Some would use a method to let users of certain social media to like/follow others in return of getting it back [for free users] and for paid users they just buy them instantly.
ago by Upcomer (905 points)