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once when I was almost of age (I must have brains, without details about age and place), my old friend asked me for help, we knew each other very closely and although we had not communicated for several years, the correspondence continued as if nothing had happened, like as if everything was as it should be, I needed help in real life. She didn’t give any special details, but she somehow knew where I lived, and asked if we could meet, ok - we met, back in school I always liked her (okay, no details here). after the meeting, she behaved strangely and suddenly brings her girlfriend (a girl brings a girl) can you imagine my shock, okay, I didn’t show it, but in my heart I went crazy, and said that she needed help getting to a certain place, ok, I went with her where necessary, here she declares that her mother turned her into a fool because she is supposedly a lesbian lol, and she needs me so that she can show that I am her boyfriend, we have not yet reached the place, but from this I was fiercely bombed in my soul as in general In general, could you tell me that? and ask for this, did she really think that I could be used as a clown for some bullshit? at that moment when we did not communicate, I greatly changed my attitude towards life and such an attitude towards myself was terribly unacceptable for me, I considered
in Politics, wars, problems by Guest (142 points)

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than u met her mother and told her i am her boyfriend ? or not , if its me i will never do this bullshit instead i will ask for something like yes i will do this but first u need to give me like some money or somethings else
by Expert (23.7k points)