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how do people earn money here? what kind of services do they offer?
in Job offers by Newbie (379 points)

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3 Answers

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Everyone is selling here. Some are selling their ass, some are selling weed, some are selling passports, some are selling cloned credit cards, some are selling hacker services, and some are just selling air. And those who sell air, my friend, are the most numerous. Beware of scammers.

If you have nothing to sell, you can try to buy something that will bring money, such as a hacked PayPal account or a cloned card.

Good luck exploring the dark world.
by Active (2.1k points)
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there are lot of ways , try to find in which way u fits perfect than start learning it and in some time u will start earning

its a easy answer to this question
by Expert (23.9k points)
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People earn money on the darknet by offering illegal services such as selling drugs, weapons, counterfeit goods, hacking services, fraudulent services, human trafficking, pirated software, and cryptocurrency-related services, often under the cloak of anonymity.
by Upcomer (942 points)