12 like 1 dislike
I paid for the match yesterday but I didn't receive anything till now, and I contact the support but unfortunately there's no response also.
Am I got scammed?
Any suggestions guys?

here's the link to double check also:
in Markets & commercial by Guest (141 points)

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6 Answers

4 like 0 dislike
This is definitely not a scam. I always buy here and it always works. Yes, you may not get the match you ordered, anything can happen, you have to understand that this is a big sport and there are many different factors. But FootballMoney never cheats, it always responds and provides an equivalent match as a replacement.
by Newbie (299 points)
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Today is the third day without nay response from the another side
and the game will start tomorrow :(
any suggestions boss?
0 0
Wait, man. I'm sure you'll get your match. Maybe not this one, then another, but Football Money has never let me down, it always sends fixed matches.

Let us know when you get your match
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Actually I'm losing hope
but let's see what will happen
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Can I contact u through Session or Telegram bro?
4 like 0 dislike
I've bought the match of the 2nd august. They didn't send me anything. The date is gone, so are my money.
by Guest (129 points)
4 like 1 dislike
I'm haven't tried it myself but I heard it's scam
by Upcomer (685 points)
3 like 0 dislike
I'm in the same situation. I bought it 2 days ago and still haven't received a response. I used the same link. I'm losing hope.
by Guest (129 points)
1 0
Keep us posted, friend.
1 0
Everything will be fine,
1 0

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ok, send me your telegram or session user
1 0

Here's my session:

2 like 0 dislike
have they replied u yet or not ? maybe there would be a technical issue thats why they did not replied u
by Expert (24.2k points)
1 0
No they didn't my friend :X
Any suggestions/ or kind of help?
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1 0
still nothing
2 like 0 dislike
Today I got a replacement from the Football money
I'll keep you updated if it will work with me after the match :)
by Guest (141 points)
1 0
did you changed your email? i've contacted you on session
0 0
Mate, have you become a match from Footballmoney `?