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I'm 14 and in the future I'll need to have a cloned card and drugs delivered via mail, but I can't have them delivered to my house. There's a Poste Italiane (Italian Mail) office in my town (I don't know if all post offices have a PO box but I hope so) where i could have everything delivered. Now, I should mention that I don't have my ID card with me: when I was little (even now but definitely less) I always lost things, so my parents are shitting themselves at the idea of ​​giving my own ID card to me, know i'd probably lose it in seconds; they made me a student card, which is basically a controlled prepaid debit card with discounts on certain things (cinema, books, laptops etc.) (no, I don't use it to order things that I don't need to have delivered to my house, but with a card that a friend of mine has and I pay him back later in cash), but I don't know if that will help. Thanks.

Update: I think i do have my ID card now, i managed to convince my parents to give it to me i think
in Other by Newbie (370 points)

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3 Answers

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For sure its not possible you are not adult person so you cannot do any legal actions like renting etc. My best advice is to order on fake address and wait till delivery comes .
by Guest (124 points)
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my advice is to focus on ur school now
by Expert (23.9k points)
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I already am. I'm doing great in school so that's not my problem. Plus, it's august.
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just have it delivered to an abandoned house instead
ago by Active (1.5k points)