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Hello. I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this but does anyone have this video, or saw it in the past? It spread on youtube and ***** websites and forums throughout 2006-2014. the video itself contains footage from the world trade center plaza on 9/11. The video is claimed to be pretty short, and captures multiple jumpers falling from the tower. There are multiple variations of the title, but the most common ones were "LOL SUPERMAN", "MAN TURNS INTO JAM" and "FALLING ANGELS".
in Politics, wars, problems by Guest (121 points)

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3 Answers

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i think is findable but my question is why ?
by Guest (101 points)
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most people want to find it just because of the gory shit, some including me are looking for it because it's one of the only videos taken in the plaza on 9/11, the rest is classified by the FBI. I'm pretty sure the search started 10 years ago so I also want to put an end to it
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On the internet archive on the clearnet there are tons of raw footage from back then. Asking here is useless and so is looking mainstream outlets like youtube. You are ***** I presume.
by Master (33.3k points)
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it can be finded on clear net also like searching on google and it can be finded if u research about it but why do u want to see it ?
by Expert (23.8k points)