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Hello everybody i´m searching for livestreams or forums where people talking about mass shootings like brenton tarrant or payton gendron and where they even prepare mass shootings, also how can i find people that are doing suicides on a livestream or shootings?
in Other by Guest (133 points)

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4 Answers

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Stop watching such things.
by Guest (137 points)
2 like 0 dislike
i really dont like these things

i dont think so some one live stream him self while killing him self especially for u (but if u have money than maybe u can request for that type of live stream) but you can find videos where people killing them self
by Expert (24.5k points)
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lol why would someone kill himself for money?
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Here you go, 6 services similar to the old "documenting reality" that closed:


However, be careful with this thing you're doing it may turn your heart into a cold stone or cause nightmares.

by Active (1.3k points)
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those are horrible things
by Newbie (249 points)