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i want to advertise my email bomber. github, youtube, x, sourceforge takes action against my account so, i need a free place to advertise my email bomber. where can i advertise it? is there any website like github on dark net?

currently, i have made working email bombing website, discord server, telegram group.

is there also any place on dark net where i can find a nice community like i have a small one on discord and telegram?
in Technology & Crypto by Newbie (196 points)

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4 Answers

3 like 0 dislike
is ur email bomber for free ? if yes than share ur email bomber with ever one everywhere , if not than u make a page on dw and on clear net (if possible) and run ads and than peoples buy ur email bomber
by Expert (24.5k points)
0 0
in my email bomber, both free and paid plans are available, clearnet keeps on banning my project, is there a very cheap ad service? where to advertise on darkweb? by "make a page on dw", did you mean to make email bombing website on darkweb which would contact my main website on clearnet or make a page on some website similar to github but on darknet or make a website similar to github in dark net which will only be containing advertisement of my email bomber?

btw is there any website similar to github but on darknet?
2 like 0 dislike
Maybe run a service on the clearnet like those "IP Stressors" and hook it up with ads + free/paid options.
by Active (1.3k points)
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it wont get me a good userbase. it will only get me more people to report me
1 like 0 dislike
Why x... Poor twiter
by Guest (126 points)
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i couldnt find any other good place. i keep on getting banned everywhere on clearnet
1 like 0 dislike
how does your email bomber work? Can it be used to send cookies link? and would it hit all domains ?
by Guest (134 points)
0 0
it can be used to send emails to any email address with given subject, msg and amount. here is link,its hosted on clearnet

and i sometimes change link and it hits all domains