7 like 2 dislike
Has anyone used Dark onion Market? Recently?
What is the expereince?
Are they legit or scam?

If legit, is this the correct link:

If scam, please recommend a trusted marketplace to buy electronics.
in Markets & commercial by Guest (109 points)

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4 Answers

4 like 0 dislike
This is most likely a scam
by Newbie (479 points)
3 like 0 dislike
This is probably a scam crap too
by Newbie (475 points)
2 like 0 dislike
How can you believe this? Its a scam.
by Active (1.9k points)
2 like 0 dislike
Too little information...
And again I see negative reviews and can't find any positive ones at all... the conclusion is obvious.
by Newbie (292 points)