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in Markets & commercial by Guest (124 points)

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4 Answers

2 like 0 dislike
These review sites can be sometimes misleading.
Same thing happened to me too, I saw a good review for Imperial market i ended up getting scammed.
by Potential scam or spam (95 points)
2 like 1 dislike
This is definitely a scam
by Upcomer (539 points)
0 0
Its verified by fresh onions.
1 like 0 dislike
I don't understand at all what you're asking, where's the link?
I've seen information many times that Tor Bay market can't be trusted and has hundreds of links. But it would still be nice to see what you're interested in
by Newbie (452 points)
1 like 1 dislike

Yes its legit, According to Fresh Onions ,TorBuy is verified.

by Active (1.1k points)