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Ig the question is, this:

I ordered from Astaricon, and entered my email and sent the money. They said that I should recieve order details to my email. I didn't recieve anything. However, it's only been a few minutes. Ig what im asking is, is it a manual system? Because if its a manual system, I shouldn't be worried about it taking long. However if its automated, it shouldve been here already. Should I be worried? Has anyone else had this issue? How did it work out? Thanks!!
in Markets & commercial by Guest (119 points)

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3 Answers

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this process takes some time

any updates for now ?
by Expert (24.5k points)
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Yes, I received confirmation of payment
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As far as I know, the response system at astarikon is not automated. You are not the first in such a situation, browse this forum, there have been many alarming messages about astarikon lately. Some are waiting for several days, and some for a very long time. He is clearly having some problems at work now. Well, I hope everything will be fine with you, let me know when something changes.
by Upcomer (523 points)
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Yes, it seems you are right.
I received the order, I think a little wait is normal
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did you receive a working card?
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How did it go, friend? Did it work out?
by Upcomer (753 points)
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any word from astaricon lately???
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Recently ordered from Astarikon. Everything went well. Two days ago ordered again, yesterday there was a confirmation. Waiting for my order. In my opinion, they work quite decently, I don't understand why there are so many complaints