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In an attempt to be a Lawful Good citizen, I was looking through some bad and very sussy sites to look if there was actually illegal stuff in them instead of just 4chan bait so I could report them, however when I clicked on a link in one of the sites, I saw a video of the anonymous guy saying he now has my ip and email and is gonna report it because of the content of the site which i was in. Am I actually doomed?
in Other by Newbie (333 points)

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2 Answers

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Was the video just a threat or was there some kind of demand? Was someone trying to make you pay?

Of course, everything is possible, and if someone wants to, they can find out your IP and other data.

But your specific case looks more like a bluff.

If someone is working to identify the bad guys, wants to punish them or turn them over to the police, then there is no point in telling them about it on video.
by Upcomer (626 points)
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Just a threat, being the guy with the anonymous mask in front of the glitchy background screen saying "I hate *****s and you are definitely one because you're in a ***** site and we got your IP and it has already been sent to the police cuz we own this site"
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lol no
by Expert (25.6k points)