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Here's the deal. I have access to two large USDT wallets. Here's the problem....... I can't retrieve any of it because I have lost everything else financially due to a divorce and can no longer afford the ETH I need to retrieve said crypto. So here's what I'm thinking,  I have two options:

1.) Ask for a ETH investment in order to retrieve said crypto with a sizable repayment.


2.) Sell one of the wallets(the larger one) for a discounted price so I can get back to living life and live off the other one.

Hit me up and let me know

Anyone interested or have any advice?
in Technology & Crypto by Guest (135 points)

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2 Answers

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Just surrender one of them and ill transfer it all over to you for a cut? lmk we can work something out
by Newbie (180 points)
1 like 0 dislike
How much is it to grab them im confused?
by Newbie (180 points)