not always the seller will agree to use escrow. for the seller - it's a pain in the ass and a risk, is it not clear? If the escrow turns out to be a scammer or there is just a mistake, the seller will lose money, *****, and you will still receive the goods. because of escrow everything can take longer, all sorts of problems can arise there.
escrow very often cooperates with the feds. ***** some escrows request personal data, require confirmation of identity, and cryptocurrency transactions undergo additional checks.
it turns out you need to use a semi-legal escrow that will not ask you *****ing unnecessary questions, while it must be reliable and honest ... it seems like there are very few of them, if any at all. My friend once used one escrow, in general everything worked out ... but I can't say whether it still works.
In short, *****, with escrow, too, not everything is so simple.