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I heard that Paypal WU and cloned cards are legit services from onion multi shop,but there are no reviews about prepaid cards.Has anyone considered buying prepaid card?

Why are prepard so hard to get.When i use my atm i get a SMS with the amount of money taken out and location,if i use clone card so will the real owner get a notification or sms or not?
in Markets & commercial by Upcomer (933 points)

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2 Answers

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Personally, I'm suspicious of prepaid cards. But I'm not sure that it's always a scam. At least try to tell us how it went, you know.
by Active (2.6k points)
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Do yo think that his site is legit?
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Honestly, I have been using multishop for a long time, but I have never bought prepaid cards. In general, I think it should work, since the service is reliable, but how it happens I do not know.
by Experienced (5.2k points)