5 like 0 dislike

I saw this link and that many other copies are on scam lists.

My question is, is this market scam or honest?


Thanks, Dennis
in Markets & commercial by Newbie (298 points)

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5 Answers

2 like 0 dislike
This is a scam, man. Run!
by Newbie (350 points)
0 0
correct it's scam avered
2 like 0 dislike
Scam bro
by Active (1.3k points)
1 like 0 dislike
I got scammed. Can show proof of the scam. Don't trust them
by Guest (142 points)
1 like 1 dislike
A good shop to visit is Archetyp


Others might be able to verify the onion address above for you. Promise you that it is not a phishing site.
by Guest (141 points)
0 like 0 dislike
I'm tired of answering this question. It's just Spanish shame.
by Experienced (8.4k points)
0 0
pure scam
0 0

deep market scam confirmed

cash cow  scam confirmed