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in Lists, forums and other by Guest (111 points)

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4 Answers

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It seems legit, But they promote for Deep Market and Tor Buy, Which they are one of the biggest scams on the darknet.
by Guest (122 points)
1 0
ok thank you for your return
1 0
I also know Tor Bey and I know 100% that he is a scammer.
you can vote for services there, which means that the votes can be rigged. maybe the scammers rig their own votes
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They seem legit.
by Active (1.2k points)
0 0
thanks bro
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the catalog itself is not bad and very convenient. I don't think that it is a scam, hardly. But that doesn't mean that there are no scammers on the list. I know for sure that some of the sites in the top are scammers, most likely they are inflating their rating. It seems to me not very reasonable to make a rating that can be increased by cunning.
by Active (2.6k points)
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Where is the link, bro
by Newbie (154 points)