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What do you think about atomwaffen division?
in Politics, wars, problems by Newbie (236 points)

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8 Answers

3 like 1 dislike
it is so based i love them
0 0
Please Explode this minute.
2 like 0 dislike

That's some far-right group, isn't it? I don't know much about them.

1 like 0 dislike
It's similar to the Order of Nine Angels (O9A), basically a recruitment hub for edgy disgruntled  far right youth to be trained and used in GLADIO type operations.
by Master (33.3k points)
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They are pathetic, much like yourself.

Please explode this second.
by Newbie (345 points)
0 1
why are you such an idiot?
0 1
he likes it in the ass, be patient
0 0
Mayhaps, but at least I'm not sucking the dick of some neo-fascist pansy wannabe terrorist organization, James Mason was a bitch and you are too.

Please explode at your earliest convenience.
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I would prefer to be friends with them. although this is unlikely to help
by Experienced (5.3k points)
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much more interesting why are you asking this? Does this appeal to you?
by Active (2.7k points)
1 like 1 dislike
Mostly positive. Though I disagree with James Mason's views on satanism and the occult. That shit is unironically a part of Kosher culture, and I want no part in that. Otherwise though, my views are positive. Speaking of, does anyone here know the link of their official website? I've seen threads on 4plebs showing old links to the site, but they weren't v3 links. So they don't work anymore.
by Newbie (184 points)
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It looks like the slav that just shot up that university in Prague was a affiliated to Atomwaffen.
by Master (33.3k points)