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You can help me create a new space program and give me a small donation if you want, it's voluntary, don't report everyone, Musk is trying but doesn't know how to do it even with the Biden

In addition to the fear of AI, I will also comment on the human tendency towards self-destruction. By plundering the planet, simply put, we destroy the ground under our feet and thus expose ourselves to a huge risk.

"We have reached a point of no return," . "Our Earth is too small for us, the global population is increasing at an alarming rate."

According to him, the only possible solution is the creation of a new space program created for the purpose of discovering new planets for colonization. If we do not decide to take drastic steps at this point, it will have unfathomable consequences for humanity.
Who will help me start a new space program
someone who is interested in the fate of the planet and humanity and wants to do something about it

it is necessary to move to another planet, because this planet is dying, and no one cares about it, even with extremist measures, musk is trying, but what if he is right and we really only live here in a time bubble, it is necessary to stop Zuckenberg before he builds Skynet and artificial intelligence will take over the world, although I wouldn't be afraid of it, but I discovered life on a planet that is many light years away, but I think that if Elon Musk wanted to, he would build a thermonuclear mother ship for 5000 people, which could also have crypto chambers, but one hero who lives in Vegas (support him, give him a beer, the el cortez casino is opposite, his name is steve, so give him a beer, he told me that 5000 people is ok to start with, but over time, genetic disorders would start to form among those people, so where is this world going I don't know, maybe into that black hole of ours.
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Honestly, the only way to solve 90% of worlds problems is to get rid of capitalism, and people. Capitalism is causing most of the world's problems, especially pollution, while stupid people are making it thrive.. and causing pollution too.

So yeah, if you wanna make a change, kill people, a lot of them. As you have said, the planet is getting overpopulated, and people are destroying it, which is true. People are the issue in both of these, and human life isn't valuable anyway.

Plus, even if we moved to a different planet, some shit would go wrong anyway, the planet would get destroyed and we would have to move yet again.
by Newbie (288 points)
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