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If it was just a terrorist attack... Then tell me why on that particular day not a single Jew was in his office? Not a single Jew was in the towers then! Not to mention that there are many witnesses for the fact that after the planes flew into the towers, some heard explosions much lower than the planes hit. Something stinks here, CIA stinks.
in Politics, wars, problems by Newbie (236 points)

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6 Answers

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Wouldn't it be better to deal with something current?

2 like 1 dislike
You, and your commenters are nazis or idiots, or both.
Please explode at once.
by Newbie (345 points)
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This has not been a secret for a long time.
This is a reason to invade Iraq.
by Experienced (7.5k points)
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They hire *****philes that pretend to be the online usernames of 12 year olds. After 15 years of the *****phile kidnapping, raping and murdering babies, the member of the WRPS South Division sends his police friends to the ***** owners of the online usernames, to threaten them. To "get inside of their head" using the US Army equivalent of Neuralink.

They are former/currently members of the 5th Special Forces group from the US Army, of which one of their squadmates - SFC. Aaron A. Henderson, wanted to physically and mentally torture a 12 year old after telling his squadmates that the 12 year old let some Russian assassins know Aaron's secret name was Cody Granger.

So after 15 years, a baby raping *****phile from the South Division of WRPS gets in trouble and drops every possible "special forces" threat that he made 15 years in 2007 on the random 12 year old that didn't call the cops on him.

Long story short, there's a US 5th Special Forces Group member in the WRPS South Division that's been going by the name "Zeph" which is actually my online username, LOL, and about 20 of his friends and squadmates. He got in trouble for raping babies and buying and selling ***** *****ography in 2007. Started using the name of one of the *****, then posted a kill list of names on the internet on a few random review websites. Google search "Zeph53" to find that, LMFAO!

Now I'm 28 and started hearing voices in my head of these Canadian Army dicks and US special forces members accusing me of raping babies and that I gave a list of names to the Russian government. They keep referring a guy from the South Division I met when I was a 12 year old, "Zeph".  

Oh, and Cody Granger AKA SFC Aaron A Henderson told me he did 9/11 and that maybe I could imagine my way out of it, then this Zeph and Bill the Cambridge cops introduced themselves to me on Water ST.

So, basically, some guy on the internet was grooming *****, turns out he's in the army, gets "fired" by an I.E.D., moves to Cambridge Ontario, pretends to be a kid he was grooming, then sends some Taliban US Special Forces group to go find out how much the kid knows.

Anyway, here's what it's all about! LMFAO!

It's been 15 years since I was told who did it by the guy that did it, so I figured since their enemies and freinds are still trying to find out how much I know, that I would just post it straight onto reddit for everyone else to know..

Cody Granger AKA SFC Aaron Arthur Henderson

[5SFG]1Shot AKA brother of above

Scott Hitchkensen AKA wannabe Zeus

Alex Worden

Roman "their leader" - Larry Romanowski?

Sonia AKA Milana AKA Jolie AKA Goddess of Seduction

Fred, Jeff, Bill Duvre, Zeph and Derf

Some of the people at 1 Valour Place and 176 Hespeler Rd in Cambridge Ontario.

And the other boomers in the 3rd and 5th Special Forces Group.

They are also protecting a real life ***** rapist in the police force in Cambridge Ontario, they might be ***** rapists themselves too. Everyone refers to the guy they're protecting as Zeph. He was sent over to Cambridge to pretend to be some kid that Cody Granger told everything to, just incase the kid leaks who orchestrated the WTC attacks. They've been doing this since 2007, since they went through all that effort then its obvious who "did it ".

They're using their weird bible themed psychological warfare on me because Cody Granger couldn't keep his mouth shut from the start. Apparently, they can literally read your mind with some sort of microchip in the head thing, or at least in your eyeball. Sounds super weird but there it is. ****ing mind control but it's not what you think.

America's biggest secrets are:

Cody Granger is nicknamed Satan due to orchestrating 9/11. There's a lot more people involved, but that's the main guy.

Explosives were planted in various parts of the frame of the WTC buildings.

The 5th or 3rd SFG created ISIL and all the little proxy battles happening in the middle east since 2001.

They go by stupid nicknames based off Greek and Roman gods to hide their real names.

They're willing to pretend that they are actually the Sinloa Cartel just to hide their nicknames from mythology.

They can somehow literally speak through your brain, probably with a satellite or something like that. They got this Heaven and Hell simulator game that goes along with the speaking through your mind thing. So they can literally get in your head. IDK how, but they do it.

They swing by when people are asleep (or they drug TF out of them with some sort of gaseous dopamine/amphetamine/drug for like a week first) then they sedate TF out of them and then put some sort of tiny bug/microchip/camera on the underside of their eyeball. That's literally the recruitment process.

They use psychonautics in accordance with their mind control thing to brainwash both themselves and random people they tell their secrets to. Then they call it psyops and anti-terrorism.

They think aliens are real and that's included in the simulator game.

Roman is a lie detector Russian dude that has a friend that shoots you in the head if you lie about working for the military.

They think Terry Wriste's underground Rake species is real.

They think that the world is run by 7 or 12 gods that live in the Moon.

They think it's appropriate to make up little rules for people to live by, for example, Cody Granger told me not hit hit a cop or tell anyone anything that he told me and to keep playing games like SWAT4 and SA-MP. Just to pretend that I took his order so his squad mates get the privilege to ruin my life. 15 years later, for this post specifically, for 8 months leading up to this post.

They can alter your memories of something and play it back to you (in your head) and then continue to punish you for whatever they put into your head. Which is their Heaven and Hell simulator game.

They're actively killing people in Cambridge Ontario to protect either a really high ranking idiot in the 3rd or 5th SFG or a yuuuge *****phile in the police force that's their good friend apparently.

One of them can see at least 15 years of the future but it's twisted around with multiple different people and half of it is just **** they see on their PC, in the future. It's like they tried to make Minority Report IRL and kinda forgot what they were doing in the first place. Therefore, all the terrorist attacks in the world ever could have and should have been stopped. The guys that can "see the future" have better things to do than stopping terrorism, like setting it up according to which "video of the future" they're watching at the time.

They think that Lucifer/their God was both a 6 month old baby girl named Grace and her mother. Kidnapped her and sent her to be murdered by ISIL 6 months after the Canadian/US special forces killed the then leader of ISIL, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. A guy that THEY (the guys going by Roman and Greek and Bible nicknames) literally trained and put there as an excuse for having their USA influence in that area of the world.

Sorry for the big wall of text but it's hard to put into words.

That's all of America's big secrets I can remember right now, as far fetched and hard to believe that they are, there they are.


I never saved the videos they showed me personally over the years regarding what this post is about but maybe they will post a few links once they find it. Here's some of the video's titles or at least a hint towards them, most of which have either been purged from the internet or I just can't find them:

Meet Lucifer.

Meet God.

3 DVDs (lmao DVDs) regarding the future from 2007/2008, which included a lot.

The 9/11 conspiracy of which explosives were planted in various parts of the frame of the buildings by construction workers in the weeks prior to the actual demolition.

The recruitment of Scott Hitchkensen. Which is a video that displays the "Canada's new trick" and "Canada's new training" in action in some sort of staged scene with a terrorist leader and his bodyguards.

The video where a grenade lands beside the CNN reporter. Reporter says "That's a grenade!".

Canada's new trick, where they took one of the towns/cities in Syria by "casually walking up to them and acting as friendly forces" and then arresting/shooting them.

Canada's new special forces training, where they displayed a platoon in a training facility doing some sort of counter shove followed by an apology. As well as showing that platoon "resting" by laying on their back with their arms over their faces, all of them. A comment pointed out "looks like canada has a new upgrade".

The war room video of Trump right before the publicly released speech video regarding Baghdadi's death.

The bodycam of the death of Baghdadi and the airstrike footage from that day.

The video of ISIL beheding civilians infront of Russian and American specops, as well as a few Canadian soldiers that put their weapons on the ground.

The video of ISIL walking up to the Canadian/American army dudes with their hands up and getting arrested while the army dudes say something like "whatever he told them worked".

The news story of that time ISIL members walked into a village in Zimbabwe or Kenya or something like that and acted like friendly forces and then turned around and killed everyone.

That news story of a "Trailer full of Ontario cops bodies found"

Maybe there's more, I just can't seem to remember the other videos/scenes.

If it matters, I'm a regular white dude from Canada that's never been arrested and that's never been involved with the military/government apart from knowing Cody Granger via an online video game (America's Army) at 13 years old in 2007.

Long story short, Cody Granger and/or/AKA Aaron A Henderson did 9/11 and that's all I know.

My daughter was murdered and dismembered over whatever "Cody Granger" AKA "Aaron A Henderson" said. He said he did 9/11, *****s *****, and if anyone asks you what to do in a combat situation, just tell them to walk up with their weapon down. LMAO! Maybe someone that watches this video can imagine their way out of it, LOL

Osama Bin Laden works for the 5th Special Forces Group. They organized 9/11.
Specifically, SFC Aaron A Henderson AKA Cody Granger AKA [5SFG]Headshot.
He's been raping, murdering and dismembering *****ren since Tuesday, Feb 20, 2007.
Since his boss faked his death, he's been a police officer in Cambridge Ontario.
It's a thing really high up in the American military they refer to as "Aaron's Plan".

Here's a few of the names and locations of the people that made "Aaron's Plan": Nick M., Nichole, Pauly, Laurie, Nick F., Coop, Boston Dan, Al, Chuck, Weird Paul, Darwin, Alex Worden, Cody Granger, Aaron A. Henderson, Sonia, Jolie, Milana, Ashley, Vanessa, Carla, Jess, Brad Fredericks, Roman, Larry Romanowski, Sam Henderson, Kris Henderson, [5SFG]1Shot, Scott Hitchkensen, Fred, Jeff, SGT. Bill Duvre, Zeph and Derf, 1 Valour Place and 176 Hespeler Rd, 131 Bay St, San Francisco, CA 94133, 1000 Columbus Ave San Francisco, CA 94133, Barry Skipton, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurashi, Dylan Fitzpatrick, Paul Fritzley, Bob, Corey,  Scott Sjoberg, Matt Quint, Joseph Cyr, Jeremy Sjoberg, Tarynn French, Linda, McEarl Bucais, J. Letsun, *****l. Pedro Collier, C. Buesi, George James Kitchen, Kyle Mercer, Andrew, ThatOneDude, Ahmed Sheraz Rasheed Khan, Steven Coombs, Ryan Driscoll, Tim Funnel, Awkwardlydistantexcop, kerb-one

My daughter was murdered and dismembered over whatever "Cody Granger" AKA "Aaron A Henderson" said.
He said he did 9/11 and *****s *****.
They then proceeded to remove $18,000 from my bank account.
LMAO! Maybe you can imagine your way out of it!
by Newbie (217 points)
0 0
crap, damn, what crap
0 0
You're an interesting specimen
1 like 2 dislike
yes 9/11 was a inside job its already been proven this is old news
by Newbie (237 points)
0 1
damn it, but why hasn't anyone been punished for this yet?
0 1
I choose you! Today I'm on your side. You get +50 points from me.
This is a dark game.
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It was an occult ritual, the ushering in of the new age. It didn't exactly work out as those in control taught it would. The result is the shitshow we have now.
by Master (33.3k points)