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3 Answers

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this is an escrow for scammers. you won't get your money, be careful!
by Newbie (182 points)
0 like 3 dislike
Looks interesting..... we may have to check it out
0 0
I am also looking for a good escrow but it seems that it is all shit now in the Deepweb.

If you want we can get in touch, privately with email or telegram, and exchange information to help us each other.

Let me know
0 like 3 dislike

I am also looking for a good escrow but it seems that it is all shit now in the Deepweb.

If you want we can get in touch, privately with email or telegram, and exchange information to help us each other.

Let me know

by Guest (131 points)
0 0
Whats ur telegram I have all the legit links?
0 0
Give me yours because I have to transfer it to another phone