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I live in a small town in germany and want to try drugs for the first time. I dont know where to start looking for a drug dealer. In which places should i look? Which people to ask? Im a bit lost.
in Other by

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5 Answers

3 like 0 dislike
What drug are you looking for?
0 0
Im looking for Cannabis
2 like 0 dislike
I can get you any drug you want what you after?, I am from the United Kingdom but I can send to Germany
0 0
how does delivery work?
2 like 0 dislike
Kenne da so nen paar leute. Je nachdem wo du wohnst könnte ich was organisieren
2 like 0 dislike
try cbd vapes and the bring it up by normal weed then try what you would like
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I dont know what drug you want, but I know where get xanax original from the pharmacy.
by Guest (141 points)