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Men create a lot of problems. Men do not allow women to develop. Men want to rule us.
I am for women's rights! I am for pure ***** without men!
Who agrees with me?

Write what you think. Let's get to know each other and help each other!

in Other by Newbie (385 points)

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7 Answers

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Once a girl is not "little stupid merry *****" - males consider us as a problem: "oh, you're *****in my mind, just stop it". Do you think we have to always be stupid and accessible? As I always say - you go ***** each other.

My vibes for girls and smart men as well.
by Advanced (4.0k points)
3 0
yep that's true
3 0
Exactly, yes!

The only thing worse than a stupid woman is a stupid man.
But there are a lot of adequate, smart and well-mannered males around. And this is wonderful. =)))))
4 like 1 dislike
***** with males could be okay if them wouldn't have been so *****-stupid and narcissistic. And yes, I had ***** with really good guys. But still, there are so many idiots! There was a period when I hadn't ***** for a year, although I'm jucy. But once I started some chatting with good-looking male I realize he is completely stupid: "oh, babe, come on, look at me, here is my dick, my only merit". Just ***** off.
by Advanced (4.0k points)
1 like 0 dislike
lesbians r sweeeet
by Upcomer (529 points)
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Bumping this topic because I think it was interesting to see other peoples views on this wonky subject.

By the looks of the votes it's not a popular take of reality but still worth exploring further.
by Master (33.3k points)
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I'm no prude or religious fanatic. I have waded myself in enough ***** pussy in my *****s and 20s to understand the dynamics. Growing up I have become a keen observer of general societal dynamics and I have enough knowledge to be confident in my assertions. Ultimately I pity the middle aged roasties and *****mer girls that have no idea what's in store for them in  near future. If the central planner policy makers have their way, men will be slaughtered by the millions in foreign battlefields and women will sell themselves to the invaders and die of grief as it always happens.
by Master (33.3k points)
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oooh now I remember you. Came to say thanks for this tread, it's still one of my favourites on my hit parade.
by Master (33.3k points)
2 like 4 dislike
Strong men create good times
Good times embolden women
Emboldened women create hard times
Hard times create strong men

Every major religion was correct - women cannot smooth the path to Heaven; they can only impede it.

The solution is to understand both this and that ***** in the hands of women is absolutely no different than violence in the hands of men. Unfettered use of either (in their respective hands) is to doom the civilization that permits such. If you do not understand this you are either too ***** to discuss these themes and should turn to something more constructive or your IQ is below 90 and shouldn't be here in the first place.
by Master (33.3k points)
4 1
https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incel that's about you. There's could be a discussion about feminism, but incels are pathetic by a definition. Listen, do you real think women own *****? Do you really think we manipulate you with *****? So don't be stupid, ***** your dude next door, it will surely get you to Heaven. Why do you even need us? I got why you are here 24/7.
0 1
lol well well that struck a nerve. Hey witch do your business.
4 0
Ha ha ha.!!!! This looks so *****ing true!
Dude, are you an incel?
Why don't you like *****?
0 0

Both off by a mile, the thing is not that ***** is bad, the misuse of ***** is bad. Noting has ever changed this false sense of progressiveness is just a momentary historical artefact that usually precedes collapse. It was like that for the Roman Empire, the British Empire and now the Anglo/Zog liberal West (just to name a few). Wait until the Muslims feel comfortable and bold enough to start imposing Sharia in liberal nations. Why do you thing they are being let in our countries. The policy makers know liberalism is unsustainable in the long run and have opted to go for an amalgamated form of Christianity and Islam back in the 90s for their little communist plans to go forward. It's already happening in the UK, Sweden, Spain and other countries. Once the tipping point is reached the pendulum swings and the roles go back to their natural state. I might be wrong about the details but the general landscape is very obvious. Religious totalitarianism will be imposed in a not too distant future and I'm not too thrilled about it mind you.

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LOL nothing better then striking feminists nerve