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Hello, I want to kill someone really close to me without anyone knowing that I killed them. Any help will be very appreciated!
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7 Answers

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by Newbie (153 points)
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poison , whip up some rat poison in something and then its the acting game
by Newbie (254 points)
0 0
rat poison works because rats dont have a gag reflex, but humans do
so it wouldnt work
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Buy a car air freshner

Pour it in a soda and give

It is sweet in taste , so

No chance of getting caught
by Newbie (271 points)
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Whip up some money and pay a hitman, dude. Its your best bet at making it work without getting yourself in some trouble

Or you could , you know, watch some murder documentaries to learn how to do it effectively
by Newbie (491 points)
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if you have money. Contact me and you don't have to end anybody by yourself...
by Newbie (173 points)
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how much???
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I know a hitman. Contact him
by Newbie (290 points)
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hello friend

I have some good tutorials

and manuals for what you want to achieve

with someone close to you

in a safe way and without anyone knowing about it

visit my profile here in hidden replies so you can contact me and we can talk about it¡¡¡

by Newbie (448 points)