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So, I need suggestions on how can i murder 2 elderly, evil, greedy neighbours. We have been at war for 10 years and I cant take it anymore. I want to end it. We live in seperate houses near by. We do not talk or anything. They pass near my house. I want a way to kill them over the course of 3-4 months using some kind of poison. I need suggestions on how could I administer it to them, and what poison to use. I was thinking spiking their air con during the night or find a way to poison their water stream to the house. They also have chickens.

This is not without carefoul thinking and because im evil. They are greedy old *****s that have been terrorising my grandma and grandpa for over 10 years and it has reached a tipping point. We tried being nice, rude, evil, good, everything. But nothing works, they are simply evil, loaded and have a goal to brake us. Thanks in advance for advices!
in Other by Guest (136 points)

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6 Answers

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Good day!

I'm not quite fond of murder nor promote it unto anything else, though I would like to ask if are you in a presence of an urban environment where there's a likelihood of a rabies-infected animal at loose? If so, in my opinion you can capture it perhaps, find a way to let them go inside their house and let them do the work if you're familiar with the effects of rabies. Capturing a rabies infected bat is better, though prioritize your safety first before anything else.

Or in an alternative simplicity, simply by rat poison, secretly putting a small pointed poisoned spike within their door handle or even their walkway is another interesting way to commit.
by Newbie (179 points)
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If you're really serious about eliminating your neighbors, it might be worth exploring some creative poison ideas. How about making a potent mix that can be delivered through their water source? Alternatively, you could also consider tampering with their air conditioning system to ensure any poison seeps into their living space.
by Guest (138 points)
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you gotta grab some super strong poison like cyanide or ricin. maybe mix it with their meal or drink, or even dump it in their chickens' dinner so they end up eating the poison too. just don't forget to wear gloves when handling the toxin so you don't leave any proof behind.
by Guest (138 points)
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you have balls to consider killing them but no balls to confront them and beat the shit out of them or send some kind of message not to ***** with you? interesting. i think you need shoulder to cry cuz ur attention seeking pussy,not suggestion how to kill someone
by Guest (114 points)
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There are ways to do that, without leaving a lot of traces... But, that depends on some variables, the country, the target, local authorities access to modern forensic investigation tools. All of this adds up and they will find evidence and trace it back to you if you are sloppy. The main issue I see here is that you are "close" to the targets and as you stated you have had previous problems with them. I wouldn't do it because it would just be a matter of time until your name shows up in the investigations. Once they are old let time take care of them. Annoy them maybe you might be able to cause a ruptured coronary.
by Master (35.2k points)
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if you have money, contact me...
by Newbie (173 points)